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The company "Decor Glass" to defend their rights to produce a series of bottles VITA

Post Time:Apr 13,2015Classify:Company NewsView:504

The company "Decor Glass" won a court in a dispute with Saverglass for the right to produce and sell commercially bottle series VITA. 31 March 2015. The Court of intellectual property rights of Russia ended the dispute in a patent of the Russian Federation №58852, the patentee of which the company "Saverglass" (France), an industrial design - "Bottle (two options"). The Court found no violation of the rights of the French side (case A41-213 / 2014).

Rospatent nullified and completely annulled the patent in view of the fact that the industrial design company "Saverglass" inconsistent with the principles of novelty and originality for the Russian market.


The company "Decor Glass" is a full manufacturer bottles linear series VITA (Vita) 0.5 and 0.7l., With the possibility of the use, promotion and sale of these forms in the Russian Federation and other countries.


Tereshko Alla

Marketing Group of Companies "Glass Decor"

China Glass Network

Source: http://www.steklosouz.ru/news/show&id=3364Author: shangyi

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