Post Time:May 18,2015Classify:Company NewsView:593
Fonon Corporation is pleased to announce the company’s proprietary glass marking technology optimized for high-resolution barcodes that is permanent, legible and non-removable with no stress damage to the material and requires no cleaning or post processing. Fonon’s proprietary Laser Assisted Material Re-Deposition Technology (LAMR™) creates high-resolution legible barcodes embedded in between the glass molecules resulting in a permanent and non-removable mark. With the use of a high-energy
Fiber laser, a donor material is irradiated creating high kinetic energy atoms of silica or carbon penetrating into the glass structure embedding the barcode in between the glass molecules. Medical, automotive and defense industries have mandated the requirement for all parts to incorporate barcodes. Glass based barcode applications are the most challenging as techniques like ink stamp, chemical & mechanical etching, dot peening, fluorescing inks and CO² laser engraving options exhibit combinations of issues including temporary marks, micro-cracks, readability issues and post-processing requirements.
Highly-promoted CO² laser glass etching techniques including ring fracture, sandblast fracture and stress relieved marking exhibit micro-fracture issues compromising the overall strength and quality of the material along with inconsistent readability issues.
Source: Fonon CorporationAuthor: shangyi
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