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24/7 Storefront Glass Repair for Fort Lauderdale, Announced by Express Glass & Board Up

Post Time:Dec 30,2015Classify:Industry NewsView:526

Express Glass and Board Up, a top commercial glass repair service, is proud to announce 24/7 storefront glass repair for Fort Lauderdale businesses in time for the busy Holiday season, up to New Year's, 2016. Holiday shoppers and New Year’s Eve parties bring added customers to Ft. Lauderdale merchants. Accidents and burglaries that involved broken storefront glass may rise in numbers during the holiday season.

It’s that time of year in Fort Lauderdale when stores and restaurants rely on a strong holiday season to put them in the black,” explained Yaniet Santos, General Manager of Express Glass, “Whether it’s Christmas shopping, holiday parties, or New Year's festivities, more customers can also bring more accidents like broken storefront glass. We want to remind our business community partners we are staffed and prepared to help when they need us any time during the holiday.”

To learn more about Express Glass and Board Up’s commercial glass repair services for the holiday season, please visit http://www.expressglassfl.com/commercial-glass-repair/. Information about 24/7 emergency glass replacement and storefront glass repair is available at that informational page.

Whether Ft. Lauderdale Customers are Naughty or Nice, 24/7 Storefront Glass Repair is Ready for the Holiday

Holiday shopping and New Year’s parties bring an increase in business for Fort Lauderdale restaurants and stores. Florida merchants plan for the influx of holiday customers by hiring extra staff and offering special services. The added revenue and customers may also bring more broken glass from accidents or burglary. At that moment, storefront glass repair becomes a top priority for business owners and managers.

Express Glass and Board Up has proudly announced the company has prepared for the 2015/2016 holiday season. The company has increased staff to support commercial businesses for New Year’s Eve and other holiday celebrations. 24/7 emergency service for storefront glass repair and replacement is a phone call away. Whether a New Year’s Eve party has caused a shattered patio door, or a burglar has broken a storefront window, quick glass replacement is available. Ft. Lauderdale merchants may have storefront glass repaired in time to celebrate the New Year safely.

About Express Glass and Board Up

Express Glass and Board Up Service Inc. is a family owned and operated glass repair business with more than 20 years of experience. Professional technicians and the large variety of inventory make Express Glass the top glass repair service. If customers are looking for Fort Lauderdale storefront glass repair or glass repair in Delray Beach or West Palm Beach glass repair, reach out to the company for a free estimate. 24/7 emergency storefront glass repair and replacement services are also available. If customers need a 24/7 Sliding Glass Door repair service in Fort Lauderdale or Boca Raton or Miramar, technicians are standing by. The company specializes in sliding glass door repair and window glass repair; technicians will handle any glass replacement situation efficiently. Home or business glass repair is the company's main priority.

Express Glass Repair and Board up


Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/fortlauderdale/storeAuthor: shangyi

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