Post Time:Dec 30,2015Classify:Company NewsView:536
Mt. Pleasant Glass Museum is planning to put together an honor roll that will list names of former employees from Bryce Glass, Lenox and L.E. Smith glass. Those interested in having their names or loved ones' names added to the electronic list may contact the museum. The museum is offering paperweights that can be inscribed with the worker's name and work history. Payments arrangements can be made. For information, call the museum between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday at 724-547-5929.
• There will be a New Year's Eve dinner and dance 7 p.m. Thursday at the Roosevelt Hall in Norvelt. Tickets for the event will be $25. Cost will include a buffet dinner served at 7:30 p.m. and a traditional pork and sauerkraut dinner at 11:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by the band, The Last Resort. There will be a cash bar and no outside alcohol will be permitted. Tickets are available at the club or by calling 724-423-9070.
• Mt. Pleasant Rotary is selling its annual 2016 calendars. Calendars are $25 and each has one 3-digit number offering 365 chances to win. A minimum of $25 is awarded every day with special days and holidays paying more. The winners are based off the evening drawing of the Pennsylvania lottery. Partial proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go to area nonprofits and other proceeds will go to community service. The calendars can be purchased from members of the Mt. Pleasant Area Historical Society, members of the Cat Committee, and the Mt. Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department. Calendars are also available for sale at Wood's Jewelers, Standard Bank in Mt. Pleasant and First Niagara Bank at Countryside. The calendars make great gifts. Only 1,000 will be sold. The calendars will be available through January.
• Mt. Pleasant Girls Softball League will be holding registration for the upcoming season from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 9, 16 and 30 at the Mt. Pleasant Area Junior-Senior High School. For information, call 724-593-1617 or visit the website at
• There is a new resource help line up and running and lists lots of great information for someone looking for help in areas such as drug addiction or abuse, gambling, bullying, domestic violence, mental health or alcoholism. Callers only listen to the information and are not hooked to a live operator, so it is completely anonymous. The number to call for information is 724-542-4846.
• If interested in finding out more about your roots, there is a special group dedicated to finding out about your past that meets monthly at the Mt. Pleasant library. The AncesTree Hunters Genealogy group meets from 5:30-7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month. Stop in and see what you can learn.
• The second Ramsay High School All Class Reunion will be held June 18, 2016, at Roosevelt Hall in Norvelt. Letters and emails will be sent in February. Reserve your seat early; for more information, email or call 724-547-0391.
• If you are an aspiring writer, check out the Mt. Pleasant Public Library Writer's Circle that meets from 5:30-8 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month. The group welcomes new members and offers a great opportunity to those who may wish to take pen in hand to see what they can produce.
• Donation cans for the Mt. Pleasant Nativity scene are still located throughout the town in different businesses. Please donate if you can. This is the only fundraising that is done to keep our wonderful holiday tradition alive. The cans and the nativity will be out until after Jan. 7.
• Please help to support the fire department by attending the weekly bingo that is held every Tuesday night at the firemen's hall. Early bird starts at 6:15. The evening features regular bingo, neighbor games, rip open tickets, raffles, door prizes and more.
• Trash collection in the borough will now take place on Tuesdays for all borough residents, beginning Jan. 5. Recycling will still take place every two weeks and also will start on Jan. 5. Please remember that trash and recyclables cannot be put out for collection earlier than 24 hours prior to pickup. For days when a holiday falls on a Tuesday, service will be delayed for one day.
Happy new year to everyone. I hope you all have a safe holiday. Let's all welcome in the new year with new hope for a brighter future.
Marilyn Forbes is a Mt. Pleasant resident.
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