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ICG Summer School 2016

Post Time:Jan 11,2016Classify:Company NewsView:376

The International Commission on Glass (ICG) is now accepting registrations for its 8th Summer School, which will take place from July 4-8th in Montpellier, France.


The course is designed for new PhD students or for young researchers who have recently started research in the glass industry.


The Summer School will be organsed into two parallel streams, with one following a glass science theme, focused more on academic topics.


The other will look at glass technologies both from an industrial and academic perspective.


A complete programme will appear soon on the ICG web site, and world leading experts in their fields will give the lectures.


The glass science workshop will focus on key fundamentals in glass science with an emphasis on structure-property relationships and transport phenomena.


In the second parallel running stream the lectures will be devoted to primary industrial glass fabrication.


A significant aspect of the workshop will be student-centric projects that encourage interactive learning and help participants to develop their understanding by applying what they know to specific issues.


The cost of the course is €800, which includes coffee, lunches, opening reception and a Thursday evening dinner, but with a discount of €300 for students.


Additionally the organisers can offer conveniently situated student accommodation including breakfast at €220 (prepaid) for those wishing to take it.


Participants will be limited to 50.


If interested, please contact the conference office at: verres2016@mycema.fr or the conference organisers: j.m.parker@sheffield.ac.uk or Bernard.Hehlen@univ-montp2.fr  or conradt@ghi.rwth-aachen.de

Source: http://www.glass-international.com/news/view/icg-sAuthor: shangyi

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