Post Time:Jan 15,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:615
January 13 this year on the results of 2015 and socio-economic prospects Chagoda district Oleg Kuvshinnikova meeting in Vologda said the mayor Alexander Kosёnkov.
"The main economic component Chagoda area is the production of glass. This monodirectional is quite weak spot, despite the fact that over the last time in the glass industry in our country there is a serious recession, - said the head of the region. - Powers of the Regional Government, as well as measures taken by your team, managed to stabilize the situation. Despite the complexity of the area is developed, showing good results on the index of industrial production, agricultural production".
Recall glass industry Vologda region is represented by three Glass: JSC "Smerdomsky glass", PJSC "Ruscam Virgin" and LLC "Chagoda Glass and K", who are concentrated in the metropolitan area Chagoda are town-forming and for its economy.
Smerdomsky glass factory found a new owner. With the support of the regional government in the past year the youngest municipality of glass enterprises - "Chagoda Glass" - got a good package of orders. For example, a large order received from JSC "Baltika", allowed the company to launch one of the previously idled glass melting furnaces, the press office of the governor.
"In 2015, it drafted the release of this glass factory from income tax, get your support. The company has good prospects. Existing today a package of orders allows us to speak about the need to increase production capacity, which will be done in March of this year, - said the head of the district. - The plant has already made an application to the employment center for a hundred new jobs. "
According to Alexander Kosenkov, 2015 was a year of many solutions to financial problems Chagoda area. Serious efforts of the administration were focused on the completion of its own revenue base budget.
"I want to thank you, Oleg, and Head of the Department of Finance Valentina Artamonov for being in a difficult situation, the Government has extended the area of budget credit in 2016. Our joint efforts have enabled us to pay off all the socially significant items of expenditure, to prevent non-payment of wages or debt plans of public institutions to the enterprises of housing and communal services, - said the head of the municipality. - Furthermore, today we can talk about the formation of the development budget. "
Source: shangyi
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