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Innovative Glass Works Plan - Éco Entreprises Québec reveals an innovative solution for glass recycling

Post Time:Jan 15,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:543

MONTREAL, Jan. 14, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - Following its announcement in 2015 to invest in a solution to recycle 100% of the glass in Quebec, today Éco Entreprises Quebec (ÉEQ) reveals the first three components of its Innovative Glass Works Plan. Investments representing $6.7 million will be made by ÉEQ to improve glass recovery and recycling from Quebec's single-stream collection program through the modernization of sorting centres and the development of new market outlets. To implement the plan, a strategic partnership was concluded with Krysteline Technologies, a British manufacturer that has developed a technology to meet the challenges of mixed materials recycling, and with Machinex, a major Quebec-based equipment provider that is now the North American distributor of Krysteline Technologies.

A promising plan in three components

The first component of Innovative Glass Works Plan involves installing Krysteline Technologies' proven glass sorting and cleaning equipment in several sorting centres to conduct demonstration projects, for which the 24 sorting centres in the province are invited to apply as of now. To round out the glass processing offering, ÉEQ will ask Quebec equipment providers to propose equipment to be tested as part of R&D projects. The other component aims to provide financial support to companies marketing new applications to give a second life to recuperated glass.

"The last two years have seen the ÉEQ team conduct a rigorous approach with experts to identify solutions that meet current and future challenges of curbside recycling. The plan announced today delivers on our commitment to help optimize curbside recycling in collaboration with our many government and industry partners. We want to demonstrate, beyond any doubt, that the challenges of the Quebec context can be transformed into opportunities. The technologies we are implementing are concrete proof that it is possible to improve the performance of glass recycling in Quebec," stated Ms. Maryse Vermette, ÉEQ's President and CEO.

"Here and abroad, the recycling industry has evolved greatly over the last decade. In the fight against climate change, it will be required to take on even more importance in the future. The companies that ÉEQ represents are committed to contributing to the success of curbside recycling, important symbol of the green economy, by providing practical solutions for the benefit of everyone," declared Mr. Denis Brisebois, Chairman of the ÉEQ Board of Directors.

A strategic Quebec–Great Britain alliance

"We are very proud to be part of this technological Quebec–Great Britain alliance, thanks to which we can introduce this innovation in glass sorting, a first in North America. We will provide the selected sorting centres with comprehensive guidance to ensure the success of each demonstration project," said Machinex President, Mr. Pierre Paré.

"The technology that we have developed specifically addresses the challenges of curbside recycling in Quebec, which are similar to those in Great Britain and Australia, where the same technology has been used successfully for several years. It is an honour for us to partner with leaders such as ÉEQ and Machinex, and to take part in developing expertise in Quebec, demonstrating the commercial and environmental potential of the North American recycling industry," said Mr. Steve Whettingsteel, Managing Director of Krysteline Technologies.

 "Today's announcement is an eloquent testimony of our motivation to develop business relations between Great Britain and Quebec. In addition to stimulating international trade, this announcement fits perfectly with our shared climate change goals," added Nick Baker, General Consul of Great Britain in Montreal. "I am honoured to have been associated with the partnership that Machinex, Krysteline Technologies and ÉEQ are making official today. I will follow the resulting spin-offs with great interest in the coming months," he added.

"In coherence with the battle against climate change, the implementation of government strategies to develop a green economy in Quebec and the pursuit of environmental innovation, the Government of Quebec salutes the contributing companies involved in the implementation of the Innovative Glass Works Plan. These initiatives will without a doubt contribute to Quebec businesses' reputation of excellence beyond our borders through the strategic alliance announced today between Quebec and Great Britain," said Saul Polo, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Exports.

ÉEQ invites sorting centres in Quebec to apply by March 14, 2016 to take part in the demonstration projects. The equipment will be installed in the selected sorting centres in the following months. Interested sorting centre representatives can go to the ÉEQ site for further details: www.ecoentreprises.qc.ca/glass. Details of the two other components—R&D projects and financial support for the development of market outlets—will be announced in the coming months.

For more information, please refer to ÉEQ's media kit where you will find a 3D animation that illustrates Krysteline's technology and fact sheets on the Innovative Glass Works Plan, equipment and partners for the demonstration projects, recycled glass market outlets and examples of successes in the world.

About Éco Entreprises Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is the organization that develops the Schedule of Contributions and collects company contributions, which are then redistributed to finance municipal curbside recycling services in Quebec. ÉEQ also encourages innovation and sharing of best practices in order to optimize the recyclable materials value chain. To do so, ÉEQ cooperates, on the one hand, with companies to reduce quantities of materials at the source and encourage the use of recyclable materials, and on the other, with municipalities to increase recycling and the economic value of recovered materials. ÉEQ is a private non-profit organization created by companies that put containers, packaging and printed matter on Quebec's market to represent them. The organization was accredited by RECYC-QUÉBEC in 2005 in accordance the Environment Quality Act.

About the Machinex Group

In the early 1980's, Machinex became the first company in Canada to design machinery for material recycling facilities. The company immediately established itself as a leader in designing profitable and high-quality recycling sorting systems. Today, Machinex is still a world leader in the industry, developing cutting edge sorting, waste management, and recycling technology. Over the years, their experts have designed and installed over 350 turnkey facilities in partnership with leading MRFs in Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia. Machinex is the North American distributor for Krysteline Technologies.

About Krysteline Technologies

Based in Great Britain, Krysteline Technologies is a custom solutions provider for the recycling materials industry. It builds unique Implosion systems, which have been developed to efficiently and cost effectively process a wide range of materials including glass, ceramics, minerals, ores and slags. With over 20 years of experience, Krysteline has designed and built a broad range of systems, whether it be standalone units or multi-material sorting centres. Krysteline's strategy is to offer recycling solutions for any and all types of glass collected, regardless of size or quality. The unique patented technology Krysteline offers can recover and refine 100% of the feedstock to meet the needs of existing and new markets.


SOURCE Éco Entreprises Québec

Image with caption: "Left to right: Pierre Paré, President, Machinex; Virginie Bussières, Director Communications and Public Affairs, ÉEQ; Denis Brisebois, Chairman of ÉEQ’s Board of Directors; Lionel Perez, City of Montréal Executive Committee Member in charge of Infrastructures, the CSEM, Governance and Democracy as well as Governmental Relations; Maryse Vermette, President and CEO, ÉEQ; Saul Polo, Representative for Laval-des-Rapides and Parliamentary Assistant for the MEIE; Jean-Luc Plante, Vice-President, Optimization, ÉEQ; Mylène Fugère, Advisor, Curbside Recycling Optimization – Sorting and Conditioning, ÉEQ; Steve Whettingsteel, President, Krysteline Technologies; and Nick Backer, Great Britain’s Consul General in Montréal. (CNW Group/Éco Entreprises Québec)". Image available at: http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20160114_C1576_PHOTO_EN_598960.jpg

Source: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/innovative-glassAuthor: shangyi

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