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Belarusian investors will invest 15 million euros in the quartz sand for glass production

Post Time:Jan 28,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:582

According to the business plan of Minsk Group "Belgrit-Polesie" will start mining and processing plant at the deposit of quartz sand "Gorodnoe" at the end of 2017.
The original document of intent to invest in the project of 15 million euro and to create about 70 jobs representatives "Belgrit-Polesie" was signed at the XII Gomel Economic Forum, held in May 2015. To date, developed a business plan.

The design capacity of the field, located in the Stolin district is 600 thousand tons of quartz sand a year and a projected period of subsoil use - more than 30 years.

Source raw materials will be used for glass factories and manufacturers of fiberglass products in Belarus. While quartz sand Belarus brought shortfall. In 2014, the country imported 96.7 thousand tons of siliceous and quartz sand in the amount of $ 7 million, while exports amounted to 46.7 thousand tons in the amount of 725.4 thousand. Dollars.

Source: http://www.steklosouz.ru/news/show&id=3751Author: shangyi

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