Post Time:Mar 01,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:491
Gumerovskoe field may become an alternative source of raw materials for "Bashkir soda Company" for several decades, experts say. Preliminary results of its work, the geologists told the head of the republic.
During his working trip to Ishimbay Rustem Khamitov he visited the district of "Ishimbay limestone," which examined samples of limestone. It is delivered with Gumerovskogo field, which is now conducted exploration work to refine the volume of its stock. After the final examination gumerovsky limestone will be put on the account as a feedstock for chemical production.
The head of the region familiarized with the work in this field. It drilled 32 wells to a depth of 175 meters. 465 samples sent for chemical analysis in the laboratory.
- In the process of drilling, we have established the conditions of occurrence and structure of limestone strata. It is underlain by dolomite, which are suitable for the glass industry. Overburden deposits almost none. Terms of occurrence of good, acceptable, - said Deputy Director of "Ishimbay limestone" Raphael Gufranov.
- That is a good limestone here? - Rustem Khamitov said.
- Yes, in their morphological properties of limestone is good. Its quality meets the technical specifications for chemical production, including the production of soda, - confirmed the company experts.
Exploration work on the site started on January 12 and is almost complete. Outcome assessment Gumerovskogo with limestone deposits, geologists will present before the end of the year.
Recall "Bashkir Soda Company" announced the shortage of raw materials for their production. Mountain Shahtau where it was mined for several decades, has turned into a huge pit. As a future deposit "Sodovik" chosen Shihan Toratau. However, the position of the governments of the region on this issue remains unchanged: the status of natural monument with Shihan is not removed.
On the instructions of Rustem Khamitov geologists started looking for an alternative source of raw materials for the industrial giant - Gumerovskoe field. The first work on identifying quality limestones began in January and were almost around the clock.
Source: Independent Newspaper Ural
Source: shangyi