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4 Spectacular Commercial Examples of Switchable Privacy Glass in the U.K.

Post Time:Mar 21,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:421

Switchable glass has rapidly grown in popularity in recent years, particularly in the UK market. The versatility of the glass has found it an ever increasing number of applications in the commercial sector.  After all, it adds a touch of modernity to any design, and helps your establishment stand out from the competition.


Discover how 4 commercial businesses in the U.K. have found creative uses for switchable privacy glass.

1. The Globe of Science and Innovation, CERN
The Globe of Science and Innovation, CERN is the world’s tallest timber structure. However, the biggest challenge the designers faced was providing light and darkness on demand for the presentations hosted in the space. Since the building has a considerable volume of natural light, they chose to have switchable solar glass panels installed across the skylight and central vortex. As a result, they can now choose to alter the light levels with a simple flick of a switch.

2. The East Wintergarden
The East Wintergarden is one of the most sought after venues in London, and hosts a variety of events. To enhance the versatility of the space, the entrance was customised with switchable smart glass. Not only does the transparent mode increase the natural light throughout the building, the opaque option also ensures that the privacy levels can be tailored for each event. This allows the space to be used for anything from political debates to celebrity VIP parties. Additionally, the panes can be used as a presentation screens, allowing branded imagery to be projected during the events.

3. Rothschild Investment Bank
The London headquarters of Rothschild Investment Bank was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize 2012 due to its sophisticated design. The space makes the most of modern design technology and features stunning switchable privacy glass panels in the wall to wall windows. This add to the brand’s prized reputation for discretion, as the glass provides privacy in a split second. What’s more, the subtle application of the technology allows the building to be seamless integrated with its more traditional neighbours, while also making a declaration of its own modernity.

4. Kentish Town Sports Centre
The Kentish Town Sports Centre had a massive overhaul undertaken to update the Victorian building. One of the challenges the designers faced during this was making the swimming pool accessible to all. As it hosted children’s swimming lessons, there needed to be a safe way for parents to monitor their children. However, some members required more privacy while using the facility. As a result, a switchable privacy glass partition was installed in the gallery. When the transparent mode is selected by staff, parents can observe their children in the pool, while the opaque mode offers discretion when required.

For more information on how switchable privacy glass can enhance your commercial project, contact Smartglass International today.

Source: www.blog.smartglassinternational.comAuthor: shangyi

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