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Onyx Solar®'s Glass withstands the most extreme conditions

Post Time:May 12,2016Classify:Glass QuotationView:688

Amorphous and crystalline silicon laminated glasses have successfully overcomed strict tests.  

China Glass Network


Laminated crystalline and amorphous silicon glass have been subject to several tests to determine their impact resistance (UNE-EN 12600:2003), achieving the highest rating (1B1), and their resistance to manual attacks (UNE-EN 356:2001), resulting in a P4A classification for our amorphous silicon glass, equivalent to ballistic resistance.


Our glasses have successfully passed the humidity (UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:2011) and high temperature (UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:2011) tests after enduring extreme conditions. Furthermore, our colored laminated glass overcame tests established by the UNE-EN ISO 4892-2:2006 standard.

Source: www.onyxgreenbuilding.wordpress.comAuthor: shangyi

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