Post Time:Feb 06,2009Classify:Industry NewsView:785
ISTANBUL - Turkish glass work will be on display at the Glass Museum in Finland’s 300-year-old Riihimaki city.
The exhibition will open tomorrow and continue through until April 12. The exhibition offers visitors the chance to see the contemporary face of Turkish glass art. The exhibition is sponsored by ?i?e and Cam Sanayi A.?. and supported by the Turkish Embassy in Helsinki and Turkish Airlines.
During the exhibition, 11 Turkish glass artists: Altan Sungar, Ebru Susamc?o?lu, Erkin Sayg? & Ruhcan Topalo?lu (Cam Atölyesi), Gamze Araz Eskinazi & Yasemin Say?nsoy (Camekan), Gülden Demir, Felek?an Onar, Meral De?er, Oya Akman ve Yasemin Aslan Bakiri will be present for the opening of the exhibition.
For the first time together at an exhibition
This will be the first exhibition where so many Turkish glass artists have joined together. They will also visit museums and galleries in Helsinki, and exchange information with other artists from various countries during the exhibition process.
Speaking about the exhibition, Y?lmaz Yalç?nkaya, the founder of the Glass Furnace Foundation, said the exhibition would be a great opportunity for collaborations in the field of glass between the two countries.
Finnish glass artists visited Turkey last September for a one-month glass exhibition organized at the Turkish Islamic Arts Museums.
Source: shangyi
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