Post Time:Oct 13,2016Classify:Company NewsView:1022
Early in beginning of this year, Panasonic showed a kind of products with TV concept. But with the LED display the TV can not achieve a transparent situation at that time. In particular, The transparent TV exhibited at this time has an OLED display instead of the previous LED display and it can show people with beautiful and clear pictures without backlight. Additionally, the display careen can touch a thinner parameter, thus it will be easier to be inserted to the wood frame.
Press a button or make a gesture then you can see the TV screen. Users can see vases and sculptures inside the showcase when the TV is turned off. This kind of black technology is called as “Future of Display Screen”. Although we wall want to know what the technology is, Panasonic still keeps mystery to avoid competitors’ imitation.
How inspiring it is! Now you can tell your guests that glass is your TV at home. But Panasonic has showed this new TV product is still on the way of developing so it will be some time for consumers to use. Maybe it will be launched to market in the future 2 or 3 years. .
Source: shangyiAuthor: shangyi
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