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Glass Lifting at Lillie Square

Post Time:Nov 28,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:908

Constructed from a concrete frame, the façade is a mixture of pre-cast concrete panels, glazing and architectural cladding.


A complex glass installation at our Lillie Square project in Earls Court, involved the design and erection of a bespoke gantry in 2 working days in order to hoist the glass.

Manipulators and cranes were ruled out due to a residential fit-out and restricted access due to landscaping, so an out-of-the-box solution was required.

A rig was created that could lift the glass 7 floors up the side of the building via a vacuum lifter on an electric hoist and then trolley it inboard over the parapet.

We protected the triple glazed unit with foam to all edges and the lift was uneventfully successful.

Source: colorminium.comAuthor: shangyi

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