Post Time:May 04,2017Classify:Industry NewsView:1248
(China Glass Network)
On May 4th, 2017:
China Glass’s Comprehensive Index was 1079.46, a rise of -0.07 points against last month.
China Glass Price Index was 1090.02,rising 0.14 points against last month.
China Glass Confidence Index was 1037.23, with a growth rate of -0.88.
Glass spot goods do not show some fluctuations, with mainstream featured by warehouse-taking-out and withdrawal of fund.
In order to stimulate the current market, some factories plan to raise the price while it does not make sense to the customers. At the same time, some cities begin to release industry policy on glass price.
Additionally, orders to processing enterprises grow slightly, only limited to some large cities.
Source: glassinchinaAuthor: shangyi