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Fall Conference Notes

Post Time:Sep 18,2018Classify:Industry NewsView:1165

On Tuesday, September 11 over 100 members convened for the first Fabricating Committee meeting of the newly combined NGA and GANA. Before addressing the business of the various fabricating sections,Integration Task Force representative Julia Schimmelpenningh, Eastman Chemical Company, provided an update on key progress in association transition activities. Most notably, a draft voting protocol was shared in effort to gain feedback as the policy is refined and put in place. 

Within the Decorative Glazing section, how to define an acceptable color variance, or delta E, generated engaging discussion. A Glass Informational Bulletin is being written in effort to provide guidance on how one might generate a delta E number in various applications. In addition, a task group is addressing the topic of compatibility, durability and color fastness related to paints used in interior and exterior (non-spandrel) applications.

The Insulating section is brainstorming a new GIB on Unique Insulating Glazing Units. This resource may address vacuum, point-supported and jumbo insulating glass units, as well as the tailored approach required for storage, transportation and installation.

Two resources are undergoing key updates in the Fire-Rated Glazing section: a GIB on the Fire-Rated Glazing in the IBC as well as a Fire-Rated Glazing Today AIA presentation. Look for those two items to be released in the near future.

The Laminated Glazing section is synthesizing test data to develop a new chart on the compression of interlayer tolerances. In addition, the Laminated Glazing Reference Manual has completed its content update. Anticipate the release of this heavily utilized manual by early 2019.

The Protective Glazing section will soon release an updated version of its Protective Glazing 101 AIA presentation. In addition, while the Security Window Design Workshop to occur in August 2018 was canceled, efforts are being made to refine the program and offer the workshop in 2019.

Source: glassmagazine.comAuthor: Shangyi

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