Post Time:Sep 28,2018Classify:Company NewsView:1248
1.The glass must be edging before tempering. The quality of glass edging plays a decisive role in the rate of tempering. Small, very fine cracks will be left on the glass edges after cut, which are almost invisible to the naked eye. There are two functions of edging, one is aesthetic, and the other is avoid break easily during tempering and improve the yield of tempered glass.
2. Adjust the process parameters of tempering, mainly the heating temperature, the heating time, the time for tempering cooling& wind pressure. The temperature of the tempering is inversely proportional to the heating time, the higher the temperature, the shorter the heating time. Mastering the heating time and heating temperature is the key to improving the yield of tempered glass.
3.Uniform heating of the glass is important. The glass actually is a cube with 4 sides and 6 sides. It is preferable to set the temperature of the furnace like a heating curve( lateral direction), the middle part higher than the set temperature like 10 degrees, the side portion to be lower than 10 degrees. The tempered glass will be uniformity and flat.
Source: Baidu EncyclopediaAuthor: Kairuiqi
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