Post Time:Feb 15,2019Classify:Company NewsView:1087
Utilizing its established technologies related to soundproofing, vibration reduction and acoustic engineering and offering integrated engineering and management services including inspection, measurement, design and construction, NEA has been successfully providing customers with excellent sound environment.
While NEA has been stably contributing to NSG, it was concluded that NEA’s further development can be achieved better through a synergy with a third party.
Based on the analysis of various factors, it was determined that the sale of shares to Hibino would be the most effective way to enhance NEA’s corporate value.
The sale is scheduled for April 1, 2019 at the price of JPY 1.95 billion. This transaction has no material financial impact on NSG’s consolidated financial results for the fiscal years ending in March 2019 and March 2020, respectively.
Source: www.nsg.comAuthor: Shangyi