Post Time:Feb 15,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:1083
NGA’s new vision statement provided the backdrop for two days of committee and task group work: “We envision a future in which glass is the material of choice to enhance spaces where people live, play, learn, and work.”
Please refer to the NGA’s committee structure chart HERE to understand how member volunteers get the work done within our four committees, including the VOTING PROTOCOL PARAMETERS and the PROJECT IDEA/CREATION FORM.
The Association is facilitating an industry-wide flat glass Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) with voluntary participation by four of the primary float manufacturers. A first draft of is due in April.
A Task Group was formed to address recyclability and raw material resource management. The Recyclability of Architectural Glass GIB will be updated to include dos and don’ts of architectural glass recycling. NGA staff will draft FAQs and related resource information. Glass fabricators will be surveyed about current processes and glass waste.
A task group will develop language to address daylighting in interior space to support healthcare, education and office environments and occupant well-being.
Staff will draft a communications and promotion plan to increase visibility of the “Health & Wellness Benefits of Daylighting” website resource compiled by member volunteers.
The following two days featured presentations that challenged attendees both technically and innovatively, as well as the regular meetings which dove into matters of glass fabrication.
Source: Shangyi