Post Time:Feb 15,2019Classify:Company NewsView:1385
At BAU, sedak presented two examples of how it has a clear edge in glass construction: firstly with the glass impact and edge protection "sedak clear-edge" for parapets, hand rails and edges of constructional glass building components, and secondly with a glass spacer for insulation glass – "sedak isopure". Both of these innovations increase the level of transparency as functional tailor-made detail solutions, especially in all-glass constructions.
With "sedak clear-edge" the glass processor based in Gersthofen, Germany, has developed a transparent, aesthetically attractive edging solution for exposed glass edges, for example on glass parapets or hand rails. This special glass strip is laminated onto the edge, providing it with a neat and clean conclusion.
With its highly polished sides and absolutely flat glass surface, "sedak clear-edge" sets functional and aesthetic accents. The open edge of the glass composite is protected from the influences of the weather, the laminated-on glass acts as protection against impacts, thus enabling two-pane laminates where the building regulations previously required three-pane laminates to be used.
Source: sedak GmbH & Co. KGAuthor: Shangyi