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IGCC Introduces Guideline Changes

Post Time:Mar 07,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:1080

The Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC) is introducing several certification and guideline changes in 2019. These changes will include:

  1. Guideline G.8 – Internal Components (such as grids, blinds, etc.);

  2. Guidelines relative to moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) and sealant dimensions (sightline);

  3. Changes to product generic descriptions;

  4. Clarification for the certification of VIG and VIG hybrids; and

  5. Guideline G.38 – Inactive Certification (placing a certification on hold).

Additionally, IGCC’s interactive laboratory training exam, which was introduced in early 2018, was approved for implementation. All test operators at IGCC-approved laboratories will be required to complete the training exam annually to drive uniformity and competency in IGCC certification testing.

The next IGCC Certification Committee Meeting will be held May 7-8, 2019 in Tampa, Fla., at the Double Tree Suites. IGCC will address implementation of the revisions to the ASM E2188, E2189 and E2190 standards, which are expected to be publicly available in spring 2019, as well as many other topics. 

Source: usglassmag.comAuthor: Shangyi

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