Post Time:Mar 27,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:8537
(China Glass Network) Glass spot market maintains to stay at a weak position and transaction rates become flexible. Glass supplying increases at the same time. With capacity of 700 tons, Anhui Wuhu Xinyi line reignites. There are three lines arranged to launch later including 1,000 tons capacity from Yibin Weilisi, 1,100 tons capacity from Fujian Xinfuxing and 600 tons capacity from Anhui Lanshi.
As per informed, two lines in Shahe which are currently cool-repairing will launch in May or June. There are also many glass lines in Northern China scheduled to launch in April or May such as Hebei Runan, Qinghuangdao Yaohua and Shangxi Lihu. As for some due lines, they continue to operate for maintaining capacity unchanged and prolong the repairing time.
Source: glassinchinaAuthor: Shangyi