Post Time:May 14,2019Classify:Company NewsView:1191
This year's Glass Performance Days (GPD) will take place from 25th to 28th of June in Finland. The GPD is a forum dedicated to the development of the global glass industry through education. This is done by organizing conferences in "motherland" Finland as well as in China and Brazil every two years. In Finland, the GPD also includes workshops and a glass exhibition.
The conference and workshop sessions will cover key topics for the glass industry, including the ever-changing requirements of urban and building planning, energy efficiency and environmental compatibility. A particular focus is on the application of new glass technologies.
As ift expert, Dr. Ansgar Rose (ift Rosenheim) will give a lecture on the topic "Large spaces between panels are possible! ift research project shows ways to pressure-relieved insulating glass (DEMIG)". With this new technology, improved energy savings can be achieved safely and efficiently from windows and glazing as well as sun protection systems installed in the cavity between the glass panes.
At the same time, climatic stresses on the glass panes and the edge seal can be avoided, thus preventing glass breakage and leaks. These restrictions are avoided by changing the construction of the glass units by pressure equalisation of the insulating glass units.
With Iconic Skin and Swiss Spacer, two companies have already developed new products for pressure-relieved insulating glass. This is a sign for the industry to prepare for this topic and to acquire specialist knowledge.
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Source: www.ift-rosenheim.deAuthor: Shangyi