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Glass Market Becomes Flexible To Push Deliveries

Post Time:Jun 18,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:1234

(China Glass Network) Current glass spot market remains at a high level, which glass transaction rates intend to be more flexible and glass manufacturers focus on pushing deliveries. Processing companies and traders still hold their purchasing speed results in less orders. Influencing by glass capacity releasing, supplying end is facing big pressure. 

There are some lines under cold-repairing, which majorly locate in Southern and Northern China. Two lines of Xinyi are scheduled to launch in next half year at Beihai, Guangxi Province. Meantime, production base in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province is under construction, which 3 lines are planned to put into operation before end of 2021.

Source: glassinchinaAuthor: Shangyi

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