Post Time:Jul 31,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:1588
Repairs to a stained glass window by the artist William Morris are due to finish today. Credit: ITV Channel TV
Repairs to a stained glass window by the artist William Morris are due to finish today.
The Tree of Jesse, which depicts the family tree of Jesus, is the centrepiece of a series of stained-glass windows by William Morris.
Morris was a leading British textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist in the Victorian era.
When it was decided St. Stephen's Church in Guernsey should replace its plain windows with stained-glass, William Morris was commissioned to do the work.
However, the surrounding stone work and glass was damaged including some fractures from the Occupation. The work has cost around £85,000.
A specialist company, which restores windows at Windsor Castle, was brought in to complete the work.
Source: shangyi