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FeneTech to be back to Colombia Glass

Post Time:Nov 08,2019Classify:Industry NewsView:1186

FeneVision was created and built by manufacturing engineers with a world of experience in process control systems and manufacturing integration—and nearly two decades of direct experience in glass and fenestration.

FeneTech used that knowledge and capability to create an advanced manufacturing system that captures data once, and then uses it efficiently everywhere from the front office to the shipping dock and back again. FeneVision helps the customer “create” time throughout its organization by automating what can be done better by computers and by connecting the process and people that achieve more by working together.

Bringing it all together lets the customer gain control over the chaos of mass custom manufacturing. By giving instant access to accurate information improves decision-making and customer service. Making it easy to use helps to improve productivity and reduce training costs.

Source: www.glassonline.comAuthor: shangyi

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