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Global Feldspar Industry

Post Time:Apr 23,2020Classify:Industry NewsView:1131

NEW YORK, April 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Feldspar market worldwide is projected to grow by 8.3 Million Metric Tons, driven by a compounded growth of 4.8%. Glass, one of the segments analyzed and sized in this study, displays the potential to grow at over 5.3%. The shifting dynamics supporting this growth makes it critical for businesses in this space to keep abreast of the changing pulse of the market. Poised to reach over 16.7 Million Metric Tons by the year 2025, Glass will bring in healthy gains adding significant momentum to global growth.

-Representing the developed world, the United States will maintain a 5.8% growth momentum. Within Europe, which continues to remain an important element in the world economy, Germany will add over 414.3 Thousand Metric Tons to the region's size and clout in the next 5 to 6 years. Over 382.1 Thousand Metric Tons worth of projected demand in the region will come from Rest of Europe markets. In Japan, Glass will reach a market size of 1.3 Million Metric Tons by the close of the analysis period. As the world's second largest economy and the new game changer in global markets, China exhibits the potential to grow at 4.5% over the next couple of years and add approximately 1.4 Million Metric Tons in terms of addressable opportunity for the picking by aspiring businesses and their astute leaders. Presented in visually rich graphics are these and many more need-to-know quantitative data important in ensuring quality of strategy decisions, be it entry into new markets or allocation of resources within a portfolio. Several macroeconomic factors and internal market forces will shape growth and development of demand patterns in emerging countries in Asia-Pacific. All research viewpoints presented are based on validated engagements from influencers in the market, whose opinions supersede all other research methodologies.

- Competitors identified in this market include, among others,

Eczacibasi Esan

El Waha Mining & Fertilizers

Gimpex Ltd.

Gottfried Feldspat GmbH

Imerys Minerals Ltd.

I-Minerals Inc., Incusa Industrias Del Cuarzo, S.A

Kaltun Madencilik A.?.


LKAB Minerals AB

Manek Minerals

Matel Hammadde Sanayi ve Ticaret A.?.

Micronized Group

Minerali Industriali S.r.l.

Pacer Minerals, LLC

Quarzwerke GmbH

SCR-Sibelco N.V.

Sibelco Nordic A/S

Covia Holdings Corporation

The Quartz Corporation


Rising Demand for Glass from Various End-use Application

Segments Propel Consumption of Feldspar

Flat Glass Products: Laminated and Tempered Glass Markets Hold


Healthy Recovery in the Construction Industry Bodes Well for

Glass Production and Consumption

Increasing Usage of Glass in Building Construction

Increasing Demand for Glass Containers Offer Growth Opportunities

Growth in Ceramics Market Drives Demand for Feldspar

Potash Feldspar: Most Preferred Feldspar Type in Ceramics and

Glass Industries

Feldspar's Ice-Nucleating Abilities Benefit Atmospheric Science

Feldspar Becomes Second Choice in Some Fillers and Extender


Abrasives and Electrodes: Niche End-Use Markets for Feldspar

Source: http://www.oleantimesherald.com/news/Author: shangyi

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