Post Time:Jul 17,2020Classify:Company NewsView:1334
Blurowce KTW I is the first office building in the TDJ Estate complex, located in the heart of Katowice, Poland – right next to the legendary Spodek.
The skyscraper, designed by Medusa Group, has 14 floors above the ground and 3 floors under the ground. It consists of two blocks that stacked on the top of each other, which gives the simple form an extraordinary power of expression.
The layers used on the façade, Glas Trösch Group‘s SILVERSTAR COMBI Neutral 61/32 T and SILVERSTAR COMBI Neutral 70/35 T, give the KTW I an elegant appearance and make the building comfortable for its users.
A modern building located in the centre of Katowice, KTW I meets all the requirements for top-class office buildings and has a BREEAM certificate at the Excellent level.
Source: glassonlineAuthor: shangyi
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