Post Time:May 13,2021Classify:Company NewsView:1236
Forglass‘ PCR Cullet System is one of several innovations that the technology supplier from Poland has introduced to the glass industry in recent years.
The system was originally designed in 2020 for Stoelzle Oberglas in Köflach, Austria. Stoelzle is known for their excellence in producing the highest quality extra-flint glass for the pharmaceutical, spirits, food, perfumery and cosmetics industries. Managing PCR cullet is critical for the company’s production, so engineers from Forglass and Stoelzle worked together to develop an external cullet preparation line that would optimally fit the demands of the glassworks.
The first Forglass PCR Cullet System in Köflach has proven itself so well that the Client decided to order a second, similar system for their plant in Knottingley, UK.
The new technology line will include a weighing and dosing system, based on one compact weighing belt conveyor. The system allows dosing cullet with smooth feed regulation from the control room or from the device panel.
What is uniquely challenging about this particular project is that it will include a 70m belt bridge (gantry) that will need to be installed by a massive crane in merely 8 hours.
Fortunately, Forglass engineers and technicians specialise in atypical and challenging projects.
Source: glassonlineAuthor: shangyi