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Southwall Announces World’s Largest High Performance XIR® Glass Installation at Universiade Center in China

Post Time:Jul 09,2009Classify:Company NewsView:504

Heat-Reflective XIR Laminated Glass Improves Energy Efficiency and Spectator Comfort at Landmark Sports Complex

PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Southwall Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:SWTX), the worldwide innovator of high performance, energy-saving films and glass products, announced today the use of its heat-reflective XIR film in a glass-intensive, multi-building sports complex in Shenzhen, China, the site of the World University Games in August 2011.

The Universiade Center, a landmark green building project currently under construction at a cost of $548 million US dollars and consisting of a main sports stadium, swimming complex and multifunctional arena, will be equipped with over 35,000 square meters (380,000 square feet) of Southwall’s heat-blocking XIR laminated glass forming a dramatic series of glass crystals that will redefine the Longgang Sports New Town section of the city.

“World-class structures such as the Universiade Center demand world-class, energy-efficient building components,” said Dr. Yisheng Dai, Southwall’s Director of Asia High Performance Architectural Sales. “We are pleased that the Chinese government and gmp, the German architectural firm responsible for the Center’s design, selected XIR laminated glass to meet the demanding aesthetic and energy efficiency requirements inherent in such a landmark project.”

Planned to shine like three huge illuminated crystals, the Center’s design necessitated exterior glass capable of high visible light transmission, clear optical transparency and exceptional solar heat rejection to reduce air conditioning operating cost and improve spectator comfort.

“The clear solar control property of XIR laminated glass fits the design concept best,” explained Mr. Ji Xu, chief representative of gmp’s Shenzhen office.

Southwall’s XIR laminated glass encapsulates heat-blocking XIR film between two layers of PVB and glass. The finished product has a unique, low-reflectance appearance, allowing greater than 70% visible light transmittance while reflecting approximately 50% of ambient infrared heat.

The Shenzhen Public Works Bureau, Sports Bureau and Planning Bureau have funded the Universiade Center project and worked closely with Kaisheng Energy Saving Technology Company, the master distributor in the People’s Republic of China of Southwall’s XIR glass products. The Universiade project is the first installation of XIR laminated glass in a major sports facility.

When completed, the Universiade Center will be capable of seating in excess of 80,000 spectators expected to observe the World University Games, an International multi-sport event, organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation. The cities of Kazan, Russia; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Murcia, Spain; and Poznan, Poland were in competition with Shenzhen for the 2011 Games.

Southwall Technologies introduced Heat Mirror® film, the world’s first low-e coated glass product in 1981, a pioneering technology recognized in 1999 by Popular Science magazine as one of the "Top 100 Inventions of the Millennium.” Southwall is an ISO 9001:2000-certified manufacturer whose Heat Mirror insulating glass and XIR laminated glass are available from over 50 window and insulating glass manufacturers worldwide and are saving energy in landmark buildings on six continents.

Source: http://www.businesswire.comAuthor: shangyi

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