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Prodim: Vetreria Calasso uses Proliner, top technology on the market

Post Time:Jul 14,2022Classify:Company NewsView:1208

Vetreria Calasso, from Copertino, Puglia, in Italy, is a company that imagines, designs, and makes their customer’s glass dreams come true. They work with a wide range of processes ranging from artistic glass to large standard supplies for both the furniture and construction sectors. They also produce tempered, laminated, curved, large size chamber glass with the possibility of crane service for installation.

Vetreria Calasso about their experience with Prodim‘s Proliner Glass package, “Every day in our company the work is carried out by qualified personnel who make use of the top technology you can find in the market: the Proliner. It guarantees maximum precision and quality in the final product.”

Source: glassonlineAuthor: shangyi

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