Post Time:Nov 17,2022Classify:Company NewsView:1180
Glass is a material that can be recycled an infinite number of times. It educates us: that’s why cullet is the company’s principal raw material. Each day, Zignago Vetro wants to be a little bit more transparent and sustainable, just like it is.
Zignago Vetro tells about this project, and all the actions already taken, in a new video, made to remind that a lot has already been done, but there is still just as much to do.
Zignago Vetro has subscribed to the Global Compact of the United Nations and made sure its activities are in line with the 2030 Agenda. The company has reduced its specific consumption of energy and of water, has increased use of energy from renewable sources thanks to photovoltaic and biomass plants and will continue to do so. Zignago Vetro is also working alongside numerous organizations committed to improve the planet.
Source: glassonlineAuthor: shangyi
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