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TODAY’S BLOG: Smaller is Better

Post Time:Feb 07,2023Classify:Industry NewsView:1078

Glass Expo Rocky Mountain™ ’23 showcased how regional trade shows benefit small and medium-sized businesses. Throughout the two-day event in Denver (Aurora), Colo., attendees repeatedly expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to network and learn in their backyard.

Small- and medium-sized companies typically do not have the means to globetrot for three- or four-day national or international events. That’s why strategically placing these shows throughout the country is important. Instead of planning to be out of the shop for days, companies can send employees for a few hours to broaden their perspectives and learn.

As a journalist with an impartial perspective, these smaller shows have been a great way to meet and spend time with attendees and exhibitors. During the event, I had the opportunity to talk to many company officials, be it from Siteline, City Glass Co., Monty Glass Shop, Tubelite, Orgadata, Bavelloni, and Quattrolifts, among others.

It was nice to talk without the hustle and bustle often experienced at larger shows.

David Steiner, owner and operator of Monty Glass, a glass, mirror and window installer based out of Monte Vista, Colo., shared that sentiment. He was happy to make the trip north to network and meet fellow industry peers. He also explained that it was difficult to venture to larger shows with a small staff.

“You can’t do business if nobody is at the office,” he said.

If you’re an owner of a local glass company, and a regional trade show is scheduled in your backyard, consider attending. The long-term benefits outweigh the short-term costs.

Regional trade shows provide a platform to showcase products and services, network with other businesses and generate leads. Whether you are a small business looking to reach a targeted audience or a larger company looking to stay ahead of the competition, these shows are important to expanding growth and reach.

Source: usgnnAuthor: shangyi

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