Post Time:Aug 05,2009Classify:Company NewsView:584
On July 30, accompanied by Zhao Jianguo and Gao Xinhua, Lu Bin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Shaoxing, visited Hehe Technical Group and did a research on ultra-white solar glass project with an area of 16440000㎡.
The research term carried out the investigation on the project site under the hot sun. then in the headquarter of Hehe Group, they held a symposium for discuss the progress of the project.
First, the general manager Zhao Jianyang introduced the company profile and then made a report on the progress of the project. The research term also listened to the advices how to guide solar PV industry develop. In the symposium, Mr. Lv thanked for Hehe Technical Group investing to Shaoxing and confirmed the achievements made by Hehe Technical Group.
Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi