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Glass Industry developed rapidly with its price raising

Post Time:Aug 19,2009Classify:Industry NewsView:451

The price of flat glass reached the bottom in February 2009. during February to June, the increase was not great. In the middle of July, the price of glass raised quickly. The Orient Securities said, glass still had great investment chance. Recently, the glass price lowed a little, but still on the high way.

It was good for the enterprises developing that the price of glass raised so quickly. The main products were float flat glass, such as Sanxia Xincun, South Glass, Jinjing Technology, Fangxing Technology, ST Luoyang Glass, Yaopi Glass. The Orient Securities thought that glass industry was sensitive to the price of glass and its development would be continued.

Due to Real Estate driven operating rate, the capacity couldn’t meet the supply. Half numbers of production lines which had stopped production were put into production again. The Orient Securities estimated that the price of products would maintain a period of time.

Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi

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