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With glass price raising, Zhejiang Glass climbed up

Post Time:Aug 20,2009Classify:Company NewsView:573

Recently, with the Real Estate turned better and the government strongly supported the automotive industry, glass industry ushered in a new round of economic cycle. From July, glass industry became warm and the demand was increased, the sales went into busy season. The market conditions in East China was better than other places. During this time, the stock reduced largely, glass price increased continuously. Price Coordination held in East China, played a positive role. Many glass enterprises turned a good situation.

In the early of August, the market estimated that the profitability of glass industry was recovered. Zhejiang Glass raised 17% on August 15. the highest price per share reached 3.25 Hong Kong dollar. Therefore, a number of agencies were optimistic about investment opportunities in the glass industry.

Large firms generally believed that the glass prices would continue to rise this year and next year, which would greatly enhance the performance of listed companies of glass. Although glass had relatively high stock valuations, in the process of product, prices still had the trend of investment opportunities.

Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi

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