Post Time:Aug 20,2009Classify:Industry NewsView:519
One piece of glass curtain wall and one piece of glass roof becomes a power station. The reporter saw the situation in Wuhan New Science and Technology, Photovoltaic Industrial Park. Hollow thin-film photovoltaic solar glass consisted building integrated photovoltaic grid power projects. The general manager of Wuhan Daily-new Technology Co., Ltd., Xu Jinming told the research group that the total power was 1.2 MW and an annual generation capacity was 1.6 million degrees which can afford 36,000 square meters of industrial park.
According to incomplete statistics, facing the financial crisis, 14 provinces in China had provided photovoltaic industry as emerging industries. However, not all the companies, all the places were pleased to invest so much money on R&D. what did the people concern more about that how large the size of the production line not if this line came from China or not.
It is estimated that in 2030 or earlier, the price of solar power generation will be the same with the price of thermal power. “this 20 years is the key opportunity to R&D solar energy. If we lost this opportunity, we maybe walk on the old road of repeat production and repeat behind.” Zhu Junhao said, the member of National People's Congress.
Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi
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