Post Time:Sep 21,2009Classify:Company NewsView:520
Dear Prospective Customer/Sales Agent,
Mixer Systems is an American based manufacturer of three different types of mixers for the Glass, Ceramic & Refractory industries. We are seeking representation in all countries except the US & Canada. Some of the ideal qualifications we are looking for in a representative are:
• 1. Location: The areas where you cover would be ideal for us, as we don’t currently have representation there; Location may not be as important, as long as you can cover their areas.
• 2. Industries: Company would be currently selling products or capital equipment to the glass industry and into the NON furnace end of the glass plant. For instance, currently calling on and selling to the glass plants in the batch house/batch plant area. This is where they store, transport, weigh, mix and batch the raw glass material (silica sand, soda ash) before it reaches the furnace to be melted into glass
• 3. Size: Company would employ a number of sales people/ sales engineers who know about glass, glass batching or the cold end part of the plant. It would also have an existing customer base of container, float glass or fiber glass manufacturers.
• 4. Language: Would be able to speak the local language & English fluently.
• 5. Service/Warehousing: Company would ideally be able to stock some spare mixer parts, keep a mixer in stock and also do field service on our mixers at the site of the glass manufacturing plants.
Please let me know if this is of interest to you. Thank you,
David Boles
Glass Products Sales Manager
190 Simmons Avenue, PO Box 10
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America
Office Ph: 262-691-3100 Products images:
Cell Ph: 262-893-5315
Fax: 262-691-3184
Source: GlassInChinaAuthor: shangyi