  • Product Sort:
  • Contact Person:Zhang Chunmei
  • Location:Beijing China
  • Post Time:2007/3/20
  • contact
  • Free member
  • Beijing Shichengzhiheng glass ware agency
  • Company Mode:Trader
  • Tel:+86-10-52331601;61279767
  • Fax:+86-10-61279610
  • Add:1307B, Huasang Building, No.2, Yanjingxili, Chaoyang zone, Beijing city
  • Post Code:100025
  • E-mail:hgyx.gabi@yahoo.com.cn
  • Website:http://bjsczhglass.glass.com.cn
Detail Information:

采用BJTY玻璃生产,其性能符合ISO 3585和ASTM E438 I类 A级的标准,产品为多家知名咖啡机客户进行配套生产, 并大量出口到欧美。

tips:This is the old page, will no longer be updated, please contact if you have any questions.
Tel: (86)-571-89937541 Email: glassinchina01@163.com